Ep 31 | Aaron McKenzie
Charlie’s guest for this episode is Aaron Mckenzie, the movement & lifestyle coach. Aaron Mckenzie has been on a lifelong regenerative journey, and has been committed to supporting others in their own health journeys since the age of 19. Charlie and Aaron delve deep into the catalysts for his change, his quick tips for lifelong wellness and the importance of regenerative agriculture in restoring not just the environment but human health.
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Episode Takeaways :
Mind, body & spirit are the pinnacles of Aarons health philosophy, being one of a few ‘fitness instructors’ who focus as much on food as physicality | He left high school at 13, and spent his time skateboarding | After a period of suffering bad skin and lack of direction a Naturopath and whole food eating turned his life around, and he completed his Higher School Certificate | At age 18-19 Aaron started his current work with clients | Some quick tips to good health – get plenty of sleep, wind down every night before bed, enjoy every mouthful when eating, retain good relationships, stretch daily, keep hydrated, work and focus on your breath and breathing | Aaron ate 1 full cow and 2 lambs over 10 months including their organs | He consumed 800g/day of meat which was approx. 2-2,500 calories a day | Plants have chemical defences to stop them being eaten and the culinary arts are a way to deal with these | Everything a human needs to be healthy is in an animal | Aaron monitored his changes via blood tests and other markers | Sleep helps regulate the hormones that regulate appetite. Less sleep = more cravings and snacking | Aaron advocates daily fasting of 14-16 hrs | Learning to say no and learning to prioritise are the 2 biggest positive steps one can take to reclaiming their life.
Episode Links:
https://www.originofenergy.com/ – Aaron’s website
Origin of Energy – Aaron’s YouTube channel
Fuelled by the Sun – You Tube short doco by Aaron when he visited Hanaminno Nov ‘19